Season 5 is approaching the corner right now!
A little over a week is remaining in Call of Duty Warzone and Cold War till season 5 starts. The teases already began on the social media accounts of Treyarch Studio, but it does not appear to be enough for fans, since leaks of Warzone Season 5 showed a new SMG, cover art, and a new operator.
If you’re not one for spoilers, now we suggest you turn back. However, if you are anxious to know what you can anticipate from Season 5 of Warzone and the Cold War, these fresh leaks won’t be missed.
Treyarch Studios or Raven Software has not yet confirmed an official release date for Season 5, although it will probably start Thursday, 12th August. The reason is that the current countdown for Season 4 will finish in that week and the future Call of Duty seasons will start on a Thursday always.
A fresh new Battle Pass loaded with new strategic and cosmetics, COD points and much more may be expected.
There are also several speculations circulating that the formal disclosure of Call of Duty: in Season 5, the Vanguard would take place within Warzone. This would be identical to the one revealed in Warzone in 2020 by Black Ops Cold War.
A fresh Reddit leak has shown Warzone and Cold War Season 5 cover art. Check out the tweet below, CallofDutyLeakz courtesy, to view the latest image of cover art.

Although CallofDutyLeakz pointed that the validity of the leak cannot be confirmed, Call of Duty comrade Nanikos stated that it was indeed true.
The leaked picture for Season 5 offers not just a first glance at a new operator, but also the debut of the Tec-9 SMG. A weapon was never seen before in a Call of Duty game.
The Tec-9 SMG’s debut neatly matched the tale of the Black Ops Cold War, since the real-world arms were first produced in 1984. One question supporters certainly will, however, be the new goal? Before we find out, we must wait till Season 5 of Warzone and Cold War.
Source: Charlie Intel