Pubg Mobile Season 17 Royal Pass released officially. The Royal Pass Season 17 is based on the Runic Power theme, which was unveiled recently. The developers have introduced the update 1.2 Runic Power. Now the Season 17 finally arrived with some new exciting contents, weapons, skins, and new rewards.

Season 17 is now available, as all of the previous rankings will get reset automatically. The players will have to rank themself again. Players can get the Royal Pass, to increase there RP by completing daily missions.

Pubg Mobile offers two kinds of Royal Pass, The Elite Pass, and The Elite Pass Plus. The standard Elite Pass cost almost 600 in-game UC, while the Elite Pass Plus cost 1800 in-game UC.

Pubg Mobile also got the Runic power update, as all the weapons skins, and costumes will be based on the Runic Power. The runic power includes three kinds of powers.

  • Flame Rune
  • Arctic Rune
  • Wind Rune

These powers can be obtained by collecting the Rune fragments, to use the desired power against enemies. However, to experience the new Pubg Mobile Season 17 Royal Pass, go and check it out now. Also, purchase the Elite Pass Plus to get all the premium skins and rewards once you complete the RP missions.


Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.