The developers of Pubg Mobile are planning to add something new in the future 1.5 update. In contrast to that, they have decided to take down the famous Metro Royal mode for a short period of time. The metro royale was introduced to the game back in November 2020. As collaboration has been made between Pubg Mobile and Metro Exodus.
The officials have posted today on their Twitter account, explaining why they are going to remove the mode temporarily. As Pubg Corporation has some visions for further development in version 1.5. They also mentioned that the mode will be back with further improvements later this year.
Pubg Mobile 1.4 Beta Update
Pubg Mobile Metro Royale will be more exciting and interesting in future. However, the developers have recently released the beta 1.4 update for its users to experience all the new features.
Additionally, users can’t get access to the beta 1.4 version without an Invitation code. The Invitation code is necessary to get access to the 1.4 Beta update. To get the Invitation code, you have to visit the event section > Tap on “Test Servers”. This will generate an Invitation code for you.
Furthermore, the 1.4 global update is still on its way and will be released on May 11 with some exciting new vehicles and famous Godzilla vs Kong Modes.
Pubg Mobile Indian Version
Besides this, Indian users still can’t have access to the game. Pubg Mobile and Pubg Mobile Lite both were banned back in 2020 by the Indian Government. After which, Tencent remove ties with the Chinese partner and decided to develop their own Pubg Indian version. However, that can’t help at that time.
Moreover, an Indian Version is still in development, which is likely to be released later this year. But there aren’t any official hint made yet. The fans still miss the battle royal game eagerly.
There are two more games in development that will be sooner or later debuted. The Pubg New State and Garena Undawn, both these battle royale games are expected in India as well. Garena Undawn is a zombie survival game, recently unveiled. The game is being made by Unreal Engine 4, so there would be better graphics and visuals. It is being developed by Tencent and LightSpeed Quantum and will be published by Garena.
Furthermore news and updates are on its way, so stay connected.