Telegram introduced a new feature of transferring your WhatsApp chats and data to Telegram. This feature works on both iOS and Android platforms. The company has recently gained almost 100 million new users.
After the Whatsapp new terms and privacy, million of Whatsapp users moved towards Telegram and Signal. Users from Whatsapp, Line, KakaoTalk, can easily transfer there chat history including documents, videos and Images to Telegram.
Move your message history from apps like WhatsApp, Line and KakaoTalk to Telegram.
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) January 28, 2021
WhatsApp on iOS
To Export your chat history on iOS devices;
- Open the contact info on Whatsapp for which you want to export data.
- Scroll down, and select Export Chat, a window will appear asking for (Chat without Media and Chat With Media); go for the desired one.
- Select the Telegram app in the share menu.
WhatsApp on Android
While exporting your chat’s on Android, open any chat and click on the vertical lines mentioned on the left corner of the Chat. Select Export Chat and then Chose Telegram.
As after exporting your data, the messaging app will not require any additional space for those files. You can easily get access to all of your documents, photos and messages without any issue.
According to Telegram, the company didn’t store information regarding deleted chats and call logs on their servers. Users are now able to delete the Call history. The company has also improved the Audio Player, Voice Chats, and some new animations added to the app. For full features and update notes visit the official website.