People who are not into gaming and stuff might think ADS means advertisement or promotions which we see in our daily lives while using social and digital media. But that’s not true; this acronym is capitalized and widely used in the gaming industry.

If you’re gaming for the last decade, you’ll be pretty much aware of the term “ADS”. But have you ever thought about what does ADS actually means? If your answer is no then you are at the right place for knowing the meaning of ADS.

So without any further due, let’s begin the meaning as well as the abbreviation of this acronym.

What is the definition of ADS:

According to the FunkTheWorld on, this term, phrase, or you can even say slang has a very long history in the gaming industry. This term has been using by gamers since 1999 or maybe before that.

After our detailed research, observations, and analysis, we know that this term has two meanings or abbreviations. The two meanings and abbreviations have been listed below:

  1. Additional Enemies
  2. Aiming Down Sights

Typically, the term has been used as a gaming acronym especially in COD (Call Of Duty) and other first-person shooter games. The main purpose of this phrase is to change the sight of the person holding a weapon to increase the accuracy of shooting. Moreover, the player is aiming down its weapon.

Many players believed by aiming their sight down, it becomes difficult to handle the recoil of any gun. On the other hand, it accurately shoots the target or enemy.

Almost majority of the FPS games players prefer to use hipfire, which is opposite to aiming down sight (ADS). However, shooting from the hip is less accurate though rapid and easy to do sight. In addition to this, the backside view or hip fire is done by semi-automatic guns or shotguns because they’ve got a large area of spray.

Other Related Slang or phrases

Many phrases, slang, and terms have been used in the gaming world. Some of the terms alongside abbreviations are given in the table below:

AimbotAutomatic aiming bot
BlopsBlack Ops
RPGRole-playing game
MMOMassively multiplayer online
MOBAMultiplayer online battle arena
CTFCapture the flag
RTSReal-time strategy
NSNice shot

Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.