With the release of next-gen consoles this year, the gaming world has so many games coming in the month of Dec. One of the new games Worms Rumble has just landed on the PS4 and PS5 consoles as well as on PC and steam. Moreover, the PS Plus monthly members will have the game for free until Jan 4th. The developers have spiced things a little more by adding new game modes in the all-new worm edition.

Worms Rumble full features

Newly added game modes include team deathmatch, Last worm standing match aka Battle royale, and last squad standing match. Players will respawn fast and can kill the opponent teams’ worm quickly to increase the chances of winning. All new amazing and customized outfits will add more joy with cool worm features.

The battle royale mode supports up to 32 real-time players and only one winner will be declared. Worms rumble has access to a cross-play platform, so numerous people can play at one time. For PS Plus members, you will get three new amazing worm outfits in an all-star pack.

Just like the success of Fall Guys on PS plus, this would also achieve massive success if the game is liked by fans. It is a good step to launch a 3D gameplay mode on PS Plus. However, the game has just launched and it will take some time to analyze whether it’s a hit or flop. The game is available on PC, PS4, STEAM, and PS5 and free-to-play for PS Plus members.


Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.