Pubg update 9.2 has been released for testing, the developers have dropped the update for testing. The developers have added some new features including some balance updates for sidearms, there is a new way to find and communicate with your teammates. The Patch reports have been revealed officially.

Dirt Bike

The Pubg update 9.2 features a new Dirt Bike, this is a single-rider vehicle. This bike has durable suspension for rigid and offroad surfaces, so you can tackle your enemies without any hurdle. The Dirt Bike can go up to a maximum of 130 Km/h.

Pubg Dirt Bike
Image Source: Pubg Official

SideArm Update

Pubg update 9.2 has another feature of Sidearm shooting, with the arrival of Dirt Bike it necessary to fire as sidearms while driving vehicles. The developers have also managed to reduce the recoil for the pistol’s weapons. The sidearm firing on pistols is now more accurate. They have decreased sway on moving and had adjusted their base stats.

Sidearm update
Image Source: Pubg Official

Team Finder

The update also has a new feature known as Team Finder and Lobby Chats. Players can easily find their teammates and communicate with on battlegrounds. The developers have also added a new lobby chatbox, so it will be easy to make any kind of strategy before entering the match.

Pubg Lobby Chat
Image Source: Pubg Official

Battle Bride

There is a new character been added to the PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds, the character name is Sadiya, it is based on Karakin’s Battle Bride. This character will be available once the players purchase the pass, so they can easily unlock the skin and can reveal her story. The battle Bride pass has up to 15 levels and will be available for 4 weeks.

Pubg new character
Image Source: Pubg Official

As the update 9.2 is available officially, so check it out now. Complete Patch Notes are available on Pubg Official Website.




Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.