Pubg Mobile’s third anniversary is going to arrive with update 1.3 in Season 18. As the update, 1.3 leaks have been revealed, in which there is a brand new loading screen. Also, some of the new outfits, skins, and emotes have been leaked out.

Pubg Mobile Season 17 was released recently, which was based on the Runic Power 1.2 update. The Royal pass includes some new weapons skins and other stuff based on the Runic Power theme.

Pubg Mobile Season 18 will arrive later in March, and we have got some of the new leaks of the new update. Pubg Mobile’s 2nd anniversary was celebrated last year, in which there was an anniversary park in Erangle.

However, on the 3rd anniversary, there will be a completely new park, which is a kind of space containing some of the space ship rockets, etc. The new park has been designed on Neon based theme.

Season 18 theme
Image Credit: Classified YT (YouTube)

Other than that, there is a completely new lobby theme as well as a new legendary suit named (Blood Raven X Suit). The Blood Raven Suit also features a new emote. Players will also get some other emotes as well such as Sheltering Wings etc.

Blood Raven X-Suit
Image Credit: Classified Yt (YouTube)

The Blood Raven X Suit will be upgradable up to 4 stars, with each update users will get a new and more customizable look of this outfit. However, we have to wait until it’s arrived officially.

Blood Raven Upgrade
Image Source: Classified Yt (YouTube)

As all these leaks are rumored based, there is no such official news yet. Season 18 will arrive later, but we will celebrate the 3rd anniversary in Season 18. As it is going to be more exciting as a lot of new features, outfits, weapons skins and emotes are going to arrive. We will be updating you regarding the upcoming news.


Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.