Pubg Mobile an Online Multiplayer game is going to receive another Season very soon, The season 16 might be released next month on November 16th. Currently, Pubg Mobile Season 15 is live, once it comes to an end we will have another season with some new outfits and rewards, etc.

As major leaks regarding Season 16 has been leaked out from different sources, Season 16 is expected to release soon. As well as the winner pass will include Elite Pass and Elite Pass Plus. Users will be able to purchase the Elite Pass for just 600 UC, while the Elite Pass Plus will cost 1800 in-game UC.

Season 16 will include some new outfits, skins, and rewards. Here are some of the leaks rewards.

Pubg Mobile Season 16 Rewards

  • Gold Tier Reward ( 5 matches in Top 10): Night Terror Outfit
  • Platinum Tier Reward ( 5 Matches): Night Terror Mask
  • Diamond Tier Reward: Thompson Skin
  • Crown Tier Rewards: 3x Rating Protection cards
  • Ace Tier Reward: Draconian Parachute
  • Conqueror Tier Reward: Season 16 Conqueror Frame

As there is no such official news regarding the new season 16 by Pubg Official, but all these rewards are leaked based. As these rewards are expected to be featured in Season 16, we will get to know once Season 15 Beyond Ace comes to an end. We will be updating you on the upcoming events regarding Pubg Mobile and Pubg Mobile Lite so stay connected.


Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.