Pubg Mobile Season 16 will arrive today, the new outfit skins at different RP level has been revealed. Pubg has revealed the outfit skins on their official website. The S15 comes to an end and Pubg S16 has been released today which is currently available.
Pubg Mobile Metro Royale Season 16 Pass will be available onwards today, some of the skin and other rewards had already been leaked out but now the Pubg Mobile Japanese site has shared some of the new skins regarding Season 16.
Pubg Mobile S16 Trailer
Every Season contains three Passes, the Free Pass, Elite Pass, and Elite Pass Plus. The Free Pass is available for all users, while players need to purchase the Elite Pass and Elite Pass Plus. The Elite Pass can be purchased at 600 in-game UC, while the Elite Pass Plus can be purchased at 1800 UC.
The benefit of Elite Pass Plus instead of Elite Pass is that you will be able to increase your RP rank by 25 ranks. Exclusive rewards can be claimed once you purchase it. The rewards will be available at different Royal Pass levels. Players can increase their RP levels by completing the RP mission on daily basis.
Pubg Mobile S16 includes a new Anna Set, Artyom Set, BIO Soldier Head, BIO Soldier Set, Nightmare Suit head, and Nightmare Suit set. These skins are confirmed and will be available at different RP levels.
Pubg Season 16 Rewards
- Anna Set (Confirmed)
- Artyom Set (Confirmed)
- BIO Soldier Set (Confirmed)
- BIO Soldier Head (Confirmed)
- Nightmare Suit Set (Confirmed)
- Nightmare Suit Head (Confirmed)
- Miller Outfits (Expected)
- New DP28 Skin (Expected)
- Golden Motorcycle Skin
- Night Terror Skin with Headgear (Expected)