Pubg Mobile Lite Winter festival update 1.0.0 (0.20.0) officially announced. The Winter Festival update will be available from today onwards. Pubg Mobile Lite Official has announced on their Twitter account. Recently the developers of Pubg Lite has released three beta version of Winter Update, the latest Beta Version was Winter Update 0.20.3, but now the winter update officially arrived.
When the weather outside is frightful… FIGHT! ❄️
Check out the Winter Festival in PUBG MOBILE LITE today!
— PUBG Mobile Lite (@PUBGMobileLite) November 19, 2020
Players will be able to enjoy the exciting snow and can fight with their opponents in Varenga mode. The Varenga Map will be featuring Snow places, where the players can fight as well they will be able to Skat via Snow Board. The Snow Board option has been recently added in Beta Update 0.20.3 and now it’s been added in the global update.
There will be a Snow Island, as we have seen in Beta Updates, the Snow Island is featuring unexpected loot like Assault Weapons, Grenades, Health Kit, Backpacks, Bandages, Scopes, etc. Also, another feature is added to the game, which is “Frozen Eggs” users can protect themself by throwing the Snow Balls and it will turn into an Ice Break, where players can take cover.
After multi Beta updates, the game is now good to go, and the update has been globally released. The update 1.0.0 includes several updated features like Snow Island, Snow Board, Snow in Varenga Map, and much more. The Winter Festival in Pubg Lite will be available from today.
Pubg Lite Winter Festival Features
- Snow Island
- Varenga Snow Map
- Snow Board
- Frozen Eggs
- Festival Theme
- Parachute Skin
- UAZ Vehicle Skin
- Plan Finish (Winter)
- Helmet Skin (Winter)
As the update has finally released, you will able to receive a Winter Festival update today, after that you will be able to enjoy the snow with some cool updated features. So stay tuned, we will be updating you regarding upcoming Pubg Lite news and updates.