Pubg Mobile Lite comes with a new 0.20.1 Global version update. The update includes several new features like Payload mode and TDM Mode. The 0.20.1 was previously on the beta version, however, the developers have now released the Global version of its users.

The toned-down version of Pubg Mobile, received Winter Update last year. Till now there isn’t any news for any major upcoming update. Also read – Pubg Mobile lite TDM Mode (Assault -The Ruins) returns to the game

The game has been specially designed for low-end devices, in contrast, to bring a smooth gameplay experience on low-end phones. The file is almost 600 MB, as the recommended ram is 1GB. Also read – PUBG MOBILE LITE 0.21.0 Chinese Version Update new features leaked

Last year the game was banned by the Indian government, including Pubg Mobile and other Chinese apps. Since that time, the game was not unbanned by the Indian Government. As there might be an Indian version of the game. However, it may be still in development, we could expect the Pubg Mobile Indian version soon. Also read – Pubg Mobile Lite Payload 2.0 mode is upgraded and is available now

Pubg Lite 0.20.1 Global Version steps to download

  • Global users can download the game from the official site.
  • Visit the site or Google Play Store.
  • Simply download the APK File on your Android device.
  • Make sure, you have 600 MB of free space.
  • Enable the Unknown Source in the privacy settings.
  • Install the APK file, and enjoy the latest version of the game.

Ryan is the Editor-in-Chief at Techarim. Previously, he was a long-time Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine. Past regular gigs included CITEworld, DaniWeb, TechTarget, Internet Evolution, and FierceContentManagement.