Pubg Mobile recently collaborated with the Blockbuster movie Godzilla vs Kong. In contrast to that, the developers have released the 1.4 Beta update. Pubg Mobile 1.4 beta update includes Godzilla theme in Erangle, kong Theme in Sanhok and Mecha Godzilla Theme in Livik.

The 1.4 Version is going to arrive soon in Season 19. Godzilla vs Kong update will be officially introduced in the upcoming Season 19.

The beta version has some new features regarding the theme, lobby and new characters. The lobby of the game will feature a new Titan theme, which is inspired by the movie. Besides this, the game will feature two new titans, including other characters. Also – Read Pubg Lite will be no longer available onwards April 29

Pubg Mobile 1.4 Update
Image Source: Classified YT (YouTube)

Once the match has been matched, players will experience Godzilla titan in the Erangle Spawn Island. The user’s experience is completely different, as the visuals look incredible and exactly the same as the movie.

Additionally, while playing the game players will experience different skull crawler and more. The Godzilla atomic breath can completely damage your health, so try to stay away from the monster.

Pubg Mobile 1.4 Update
Image Source: Classified YT (YouTube)

Pubg Mobile 1.4 update will be soon released in Season 19. As currently, Season 18  is live which will be ended after a couple of weeks. The beta version is also available for download, users can download the beta 1.4 version and can explore the upcoming features.


Danny is a senior writer at Techarim, where he covers smartphones and gaming news. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance.