Pubg Mobile developers released the 1.4 beta update recently. The 1.4 version is the upcoming update, which is still in beta testing. The beta version is available for worldwide users, so the developers have to ensure that all the upgrades work perfectly without any bugs or issues.

The 1.4 beta update features several new modes, characters, vehicles and monsters from the blockbuster movie Godzilla vs Kong. Pubg Mobile earlier collaborated with the movie called Godzilla vs Kong.

Indian users don’t have access to the game, because it was banned in 2020. The Indian fans might get the Pubg Mobile Indian version. As recently a job listing was debuted on LinkedIn profile for Pubg Mobile New State and Pubg Mobile in India by krafton.

This could be a positive sign for the comeback of the game in India soon. However, the officials didn’t reveal anything yet regarding its release date.

Pubg Mobile 1.4 Beta version is now available for download. Users can download the game from the official website. To download the Pubg APK, follow the steps given below.

Pubg Mobile 1.4 Beta Update download

  • Visit the official website, here is the link.
  • Click on the Download  Android Version.
  • After download, the Pubg Mobile APK file, make sure to have free 600 MB space.
  • Also enable the unknown sources in privacy settings, if you haven’t enabled it yet.
  • After opening the game, just click on the guest option and enter the invitation code.
  • Once the whole process is done perfectly, you are good to go to enjoy the latest updated features in the 1.4 beta version.

Ryan is the Editor-in-Chief at Techarim. Previously, he was a long-time Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine. Past regular gigs included CITEworld, DaniWeb, TechTarget, Internet Evolution, and FierceContentManagement.