FAU-G an Indian Online Multiplayer game to be released soon in November. The game has been developed by Bengaluru Headquartered nCore Games. As from the name FAU-G, it looks in contrast to Pubg, but that is not actually what people are thinking. Pubg is also an Online multiplayer game that is based on 100 players, having four players in each team.
FAU-G is not a battle royale game as confirmed by Vishal Gondal who is an advisor at nCore games. We might experience Team Death Match in FAU-G, there would be a certain amount of players in each team to eliminate each other.
Today we celebrate the victory of good over evil, and what better day to celebrate our Fearless and United Guards, our FAU-G!
On the auspicious occasion of Dussehra, presenting the #FAUG teaser.@nCore_games @BharatKeVeer @vishalgondal #AtmanirbharBharat #StartupIndia pic.twitter.com/5lvPBa2Uxz— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) October 25, 2020
Pubg runs across different platforms like PC, Android, iOS, PS4, etc, and many people compared it with Pubg. Also, there is a misconception that the game will be released for PC, but that’s not correct. The game will be released for Android and Apple devices initially, later on, we might experience it on PC as well.
FAU-G Main Theme
A few months ago the Indian government has banned several Chinese apps including Pubg Mobile. Later on, after a few days later the FAU-G game has been announced. The main theme of the game portrait Indian Army, as well as this game, is specially designed for Indian users. As in the first teaser the incident has been shown between the Indian Army and the Chinese Army at Galwan Valley.
As it is in hearing that players will also experience the same incident in FAU-G, without having any weapons. As there is no such news regarding the actual gameplay or any game mode, but initially we could expect the same incident gameplay that occurred. The game will be released in November, till then we will be updating you on the upcoming news and events regarding FAU-G, so stay connected.